Meira Nova in English
What Does Meira Nova Have to Offer?
- Online shopping, open 24/7
- Selection of 21,000 products covering all product areas
- Most reliable deliveries in the field
- Option of shopping all the product areas you need for purchase in a single delivery
- Delivery within 48 hours
- Competitive prices
- Sympathetic and competent customer service
If you wish to contact our purchasing department, please contact:
Sales and Customer Service
Customers are served by our competent and professional personnel. Southern Finland’s customer service in Tuusula serves customers in Southern, Eastern and Northern Finland. Western Finland’s customer service in Turku serves customers in Western Finland.
Customer service for Southern, Eastern and Northern Finland
Tel. +358 10 76 86 550
Customer feedback for Southern, Eastern and Northern Finland
Tel. +358 10 76 86 551
Customer service and feedback for Western Finland
Tel. +358 10 76 86 820